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The Party’s vision shall be to establish a united, peaceful, & prosperous nation, in which all citizens enjoy social, economic and democratic rights, living in dignity and in harmony with their environment.

Mission Statement

To build a state and society in which all Kenyans will have a better life and live in harmony with the environment.

Our Core Values & Objectives

  • Respect for constitutionalism and the rule of law.
  • Respect for individual and people’s rights and freedoms.
  • Democratic governance and people’s participation.
  • Freedom with responsibility.
  • Empowerment of the marginalized groups and sections of society.
  • Positive and mutually beneficial international relations.


  • To eradicate unfairly engineered social inequalities.
  • To encourage and promote coalition among parties pursuing similar objectives in Kenya.
  • To establish a transparent and accountable government.


  • Grassroots democracy
  • Social justice and equal opportunity
  • Ecological wisdom
  • Community based economics
  • Non-violence
  • Feminism
  • Respect for diversity
  • Personal and global responsibility
  • Decentralization
  • Economic and development sustainability

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Working with Excellence

Our Manifesto

With a youth population at 70% of the estimated 52 million and growing, Kenya has a reserve productive youthful population whose potential if harnessed sorts out numerous immediate and future societal shortfalls while at the same time forestalls disorder.

The environment is our indivisible shared heritage. Humanity aims to subsist through extractions and has to safeguard nature’s continuity. Therefore, everyone has the right to a clean and healthy environment that anchors human security and development.

Kenya’s economy has been ranked mostly unfree since 1997. Major obstacles to greater economic freedom include a lack of judicial effectiveness, poor government integrity, and grave problems with fiscal health.

The supremacy of the law is the foundation on which democracy is built. It is the heart of a free society and the basis for peaceful coexistence.

We aim to ensure and preserve human dignity to realize full development of everyone’s potential through promotion of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms; rights which are innate, inextricable and interdependent.

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